Badminton Umpires-- concentrate on umpiring the game and let Umpire Buddy keep track of the score, who is serving, the number of shuttles used, and more. Designed for Badminton Umpires to free them from the mundane tasks and let them concentrate on the game itself.
Keeps track of an entire match of best of three games.
Display the score on an external display using HDMI or wirelessly using Apple TV.
Two display modes are available for the external display.
Country/Province/State flags can be shown on the external display.
Option to import a CSV file with tournament matches using Airdrop, email or cloud disk.
Save matches to local storage.
Export matches to cloud storage, email or printer.
Alternate BWF scoring systems also supported:
One game to 21
Best of three games to 15
Best of five games to 11
Quick Start, Full manual, Laws of Badminton, Alternative Laws of Badminton, and ITTO available in app.
This is the "Try before you Buy" version. It is completely free and has all the functionality of this full version but it is limited to 30 games and UNDOs are limited to 10 per match. Once you are satisfied that it meets your needs download the full Umpire Buddy version.